There’s not many things that I love more than bass fishing! I mean come on who doesn’t love bass thumb am I right?! I truly have an obsession when it comes to searching for big bass. Growing up I learned a ton from fishing with my Dad. He taught me how to fish differently from everyone else in order to catch more fish. He and I have developed a unique skillset over the years which allows us to catch more fish in today’s pressured bodies of water. My goal is to be your source of fishing knowledge by teaching you the exact strategies that took me years to learn!

About me

Besides my obsession with big largemouth I also enjoy catching a variety of other species. In the heat of summertime I love to wade small creeks and rivers looking for smallmouth bass. I also enjoy catching big northern snakehead and striped bass on top water lures! No matter what I’m fishing for I just love being out on the water!

I am also an avid deer hunter in the winter time when I don’t get to fish as much. I still fish during the winter, but I cherish the opportunity to spend time being still in the woods! I try to get out and crab as much as I can during the late summer and early fall season. It just doesn’t get much better than sitting around and having a big crab feast with family! I love spending quality time outdoors with my friends and family whenever I get the chance!